Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Researchers Create Self Cleaning Coating

On April 11th 2018, researchers at the University of Michigan announced in the ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, that they have created a self cleaning coating that can also repel liquids. Anish Tuteja, an associate professor of material science and engineering and head of the research team are calling the new coating, "omniphobic." He says that the new coating is the first of its kind that's durable, clear, and can be applied to almost any surface.

Professor Tuteja went on to explain that in past experiments, researchers would try combining a durable substance with a repellent substance, but that would not necessarily yield a durable, repellent substance. His team, however, discovered the property or ability of two substance to mix together in just the right way, which they call, "partial miscibility." The researchers found that a combination of fluorinated polyurethane and a fluid repellent called F-Poss was the right mix.

The team believes that their new coating could eventually grime proof phone screens, counter tops, camera lenes, and many other everyday items. They have shown that their new coating can resist water, oils, alcohol, and even peanut butter. The research team is conducting further studies in order to make sure that their new coating is non toxic and is safe for use around children.

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