Thursday, May 23, 2019

Avid Releases Pro Tools 2019

On May 9th 2019, Avid announced the release of Pro Tools 2019. The new update features an increase in MIDI tracks from 512 to 1,024. This will give those users who need the extra tracks, such as those who work in post production or film score writing, the room they need to build big, full sounds without the worry of not having enough room. Avid is also increasing the number of voices, or audio tracks from 256 to 384.

In addition to the increase in track capability, the new Pro Tools 2019 update offers the user the ability to make updates to tracks and to the timeline during playback, with out interruption. There's also a feature that allows you to name tracks faster by allowing you to name multiple tracks at the same time.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

New State Of Matter Is Discovered

On April 8th 2019, scientists at the University of Edinburgh announced in the journal PNAS, that they have discovered a new state of matter. They are calling the new state of matter, "the chain melted state." There are currently five states of mater, solid, liquid, gas, plasma, and condensate. In the new state, matter is both a liquid and a sold. To make the discovery, the research team used artificial intelligence to test potassium under extreme temperatures and atmospheric pressure.

The computer data revealed that between 20,000 and 40,000 times atmospheric pressure and at temperatures of between 400 and 800 degrees Kelvin (280 to 980 degrees Fahrenheit), some of the potassium molecules formed chains that dissolved into a liquid, while the rest remained in its crystal form. This, "chain melted state," gives rise to two separate lattices, a guess and a host. The host, which represents 80% of the structure stays solid, while the guess part which represents 20%, is weaker and there fore melts.

Andreas Hermann, who co wrote the study says that the new substance is like, "a sponge material that can soak up a liquid," but in this case it would be more like a sponge that soaks its self up.