Thursday, December 26, 2013

Desk Free Computing

On December 17th 2013, Apple Computer was awarded the patent for what they are calling, the desk free computer. There would be no case, monitor, or wired cables. The computer would consist of one device that would project an image of varying sizes that could be projected onto any clean surface.

What is unique about Apple's proposed design is that the CPU would process the images rather than leaving it to the display technology. It would connect to peripherals, like the keyboard, mouse, and printer, using Bluetooth technology. The device would be able to change its images settings by using data from sensors that would collect such information as, ambient light, depth, and display surface color and texture.

The desk free computer would get it's power from batteries or inductive charging making the device completely portable. All of this sounds exciting, but the patent was first filed in 2008. If Apple isn't already working on its desk free computer, there's no telling how long it will be before an actual working model will come to fruition. In my opinion, however, given what's been presented, there's more than enough to look forward to.

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