Thursday, December 1, 2022

New Track!

 I've just released a new track entitled, "Maybe." It's available now at Spotify and iTunes!

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Breakthrough In Fusion

On August 8th 2022, after a year of anylizing data, scientists from Lawrence Livermore Laboratory's National Ignition Facility celabrated their breakthrough in nuclear fusion. The breakthrough, which came in August of 2021, was a successful fusion ignition. Nuclear fusion is what powers the sun. It occurs when two light atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier one with the result being a powerful release of energy.

Unlike the sun, which uses gravity to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium atoms, the researchers used a pellet of deuterium/tritum as fuel and a piston which is made of rhe same. 192 lasers were trained on the pellet in an effort to create a hot spot. The result is a super hot plasma. The reaction, which only lasted 100 trillionths of a second, yeilded 1.3 megajoules or an estimated release of 10 quadrillon watts of power.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Greenland's Ice Sheet Is Melting

On July 20th 2022, scientist reported that Greeland's ice sheet is melting. Scientists say that due to a temperature rise as high as 60 degree F, caused 6 billion tons of water a day from July15th through the 17th. According to Ted Scambos, senior research scientist at the University of Colorado's Earth Science and Observation Center, the amount released by the melt was enough to "cover West Virginia in a foot of water, 4 inches a day."

Scambos attributed the melt as the result of a warm air mass drifting over the Canadian Archipelago which is located noth of the Canadian Mainland. Greenland has had two other large scale ice melt in 2012 and again in 2019. Scambos said, "We can expect on the order 100 billio tons of water going into the ocean." Melting of Greeland's ice sheet has contributed to about half an inch of rise in sea level over the last 30 years.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

New Hole In The Ozone Layer

On July 5th, 2022, a Canadian scientist announced in the journal, Science Daily, that he has discovered a new, very large hole in the ozone layer. Professor Qing-Bin Lu of the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada says that reserch shows that a large hole has been open for more than 30 years. He claims that the hole is in the lower stratosphere over the tropics. His reserch also shows that the new hole is seven times larger than the hole found over Antarctica

Professor Lu goes on to say that unlike the hole over Antarctica, which only opens during the spring, the new hole stays open constantly. Professor Lu says, "The tropics constitutes half the planet's surface area and are home to about half the world's population." The ozone layer helps protect the earth from harmful ultra violet radiation. Loss of ozone could cause skin cancer and cateracts in humans. It can also cause a decrease in agricultural productivity and do harm to aquatic animals.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

35,000 Year Old Woolly Mammoth Found

On June 27th 2022, it was announced that a gold miner working in Canada had discovered the mummified remains of a baby Woolly Mammoth. The find was made Klondike gold fields, in the area of Eureka Creek, which is in Tr'ondek Hwech'in, which is a First Nation area of Canada's Yukon Territory. First Nation Elders have name the find Nun cho ga, which means "Big Baby Animal," in the Han Language.

Palaeontologists for thew Yukon Territory described tha carcus as being a well preserved baby female. The remains has a tiny trunk, tail, and ears, with much of her skin and hair intact. After carefull examination, she has been determined to have been one month old when she died. The Yukon goverment and Tr'ondek Hwech'in have agreed to work together to learn more about Nun cho ga.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Amazon's Newest Robot

On June 22nd, 2022, Amazon announced that it has developed its first "fully autonomous mobile robot." The robot is named Proteus, and its purpose is to move large carts around Amazon's warehouses. The company says that Proteus can safely navagate around human beings as it maneuvers the carts into their assigned locations. Proteus is part of Amazon's plan to automate the handling of GoCarts so that human employees no longer have to handle heavy packages.

According to Amazon, Proteus will achieve its assignments through the use of what they are calling, advanced safety, perception, and navagation technology. The robot moves to a cart that is to be moved and slides underneath it. It then shines a green light out ahead of it. If as it travels, it encounters a human being, it will stop and only resume on its path when the human is no longer there. Amazon intends to use Proteus in its fullfillment centers, but has not givn a date for the robot's deployment. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

New Release!

I recently released a new track by John Hughley, entitled, "Easy To Love." It's available now at iTunes

Monday, May 23, 2022

NASA's New Spacecraft Docks At ISS

On Friday May 20th, 2022, NASA's new spacecraft called Starliner, succesfully docked with the ISS (International Space Station). The capsule was unmanned as part of a test flight, before crewed flights begin. The new vehicle, which is designed and built by Boeing, made this flight after its first unsuccessful attempt back in 2019. The new vehicle also had a flawless launch from Cape Canaveral, Florida on Thursday May 19th at 6:54 pm, aboard a United Launch Aliance (ULA) Atlas V rocket.

While the launch was successful, there were main thruster and cooling system issues that occurred just after orbit, neither prevented the Starliner from docking with the ISS. The capsule carried with it food and supplies for the astronauts aboard the space staion. Starliner is shceduled to remain docked at the ISS for four to five days. After which, it wil return to Earth and land in the New Mexico desert. If the landing is successful, the possibility of crewed missions could begin in the fall of 2022.

Monday, May 9, 2022

New Release!

I just released a new track entitled, "Where The One Is (John Hughley Mix)! It's now available at iTunes!