Thursday, August 29, 2019

3.8 Million Year Old Skull Sheds New Light

On August 28th 2019, it was announced in the Journal Nature that archeologists had discovered the skull of an ancient hominid that dates back 3.8 million years. The skull was discovered in the Ethiopian dessert by Yohannes Hailee Selassie of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and his team. Selassie believes the new find is a member of the species, Australopithecus anamensis and is a direct ancestor to the "Lucy," the skull which was found in 1974.

"Lucy," was a member of the species Australopithecus afarensis and represents a 100,000 year period where the two species overlapped. This discovery marks the first time where the evidence reveals that within the evolutionary process, one species dose not disappear, to be replaced by the new one. The face of the new skull is male with  jaws made for chewing. "Lucy," on the other hand, had a flat face which appears to be a change toward a more Human physiology.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

New Release!

Just released a new track by Nprogram entitled, "From The Get Go." It's now available at iTunes! Click the widget below or log into Spotify to hear a full stream preview!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

India's Chandrayaan-2 Moon Mission

On July 22nd 2019, India successfully launched its Chandrayaan-2 space craft on a mssion to the moon. India's goal with Chandrayaan-2 is to have the craft make a soft landing at the moon's south pole. If all goes well, such a landing will mkae India the fourth nation behind the U S, Russia, and China, to make a successful landing on the lunar surface. The mission will also make India's Chandraan-2 the first space craft to land at the moon's south pole.