Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Water Flows On The Surface Of Mars

On September 28th 2015, NASA announced that they had made conformation of liquid water flowing on the surface of Mars. Photos taken from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed what researchers at NASA are calling, recurring slope lineae or (RSL), which are narrow, dark streaks on the planet's surface. NASA's director of planetary sciences division, James L Greene said, "We now have, I think, great opportunities to investigate the possibility of life."

The recurring slope lineae or RSL are about 15 feet in width or smaller and appear on slopes during the planets warm seasons. These lineae then fade during the cooler seasons only to reappear when the temperature warms again. Previous analysis of data from the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter's Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer found neither salt nor water. However, the new study has yielded greater detail.

A team of researchers, led by Lujendra Ojha, of the School of Earth Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, found evidence of hydrated salts like magnesium chlorate, magnesium perchlorate, and sodium perchlorate. All of these substances can effectively lower the freezing point of water so that it can flow freely at cooler temperatures. The average temperature on Mars is 70 degrees below zero but can reach as high as 70 degrees above zero near the equator.

NASA and other research institutions are developing new technologies to search for a bio-signature on Mars. Some of those bio-hunting devices are expected to be incorporated into the next NASA mission, Mars 2020 rover and the European Space Agency's ExoMars Mission. Researchers are now expressing some concern as to how life can be detected without causing cross contamination. Any robotic mechanism designed to detect Martian life may ultimately only be detecting life brought there from Earth. 

The plan for future exploration is to use a sort of, "stand off," analysis. At this time, the idea is to use Raman Spectroscopy, which is a form of vibrational spectroscopy. While it's harder for Raman Spectroscopy to distinguish between fossils and carbon based materials, it is however very adept at distinguishing between organic compounds that were once alive and those that are living now. Some researchers believe that the ideal way to examine the Martian soil, is to do a Mars sample return.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

A New Species Of Human Is Found In South Africa

On September 10th 2015, scientists in South Africa announced that they had discovered what they believed to be a new species of human. The fossil find was made while searching the Rising Star Cave. The remains, which were many, covered the earthen floor just beyond the caves narrow entrance. Deep within what is being called the Dinaledi Chamber were the 1,500 bones of approx 15 hominids that have been named Homo Naledi.

The international team that made the discovery consisted of 60 scientists who were led by Lee R Burger. Burger is an American paleontologist and a professor of human evolution studies at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Burger says that the species' name, Homo Naledi, is derived from the cave where the remains were found, and that "naledi" means "star" in the local Sesotho language.

Researchers analyzing the Homo Naledi remains have yet to determine the actual age of the fossils. A determination has been difficult due to the muddled chamber contents and the absence of fauna. Because the species had a brain no larger than an orange, Dr Burger believes that it might have evolved near the root of the Homo genus. If this is true, then it's possible that Homo Naledi may have lived 2.5 to 2.8 million years ago.

The scientists who made the discovery have noted that Homo Naledi has a combination of both primitive as well as modern characteristics, which include their jaws, teeth and feet. The average Homo Naledi is believed to have stood five feet tall and weighed about 100 pounds.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Arctic Ice Shrinks To Fourth Lowest Level

On September 15th 2015, the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) announced that the sea ice in the Arctic had reached its fourth lowest level in recorded history. The decline is seen as a long term trend that has been monitored via satellite since the 1970s. Melting sea ice is closely tied to warmer weather in the region as average Arctic temperatures continue to rise.

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) stated that the lowest extent occurred on September 17th 2012, when the ice only covered 1.31 square miles of terrain. This year's level, reached on September 11th, was 1.70 square miles. The NSIDC went on to say that, "the nine lowest extents recorded during the satellite era all occurred in the last nine years. They added that in 2013, the ice experienced an unexpected revival when the volume was recorded as increasing by 41%.

Tony Scambos, head of the NSIDC science team, said that unlike 2012 when  storms broke up a great deal of ice, there wasn't anything particularly extraordinary, in an atmospheric sense. He believes that the Arctic is "evolving," and says that, "even relatively typical summers in the Arctic lead to relatively low sea ice extents." NASA, which funds the NSIDC, added that, "The sea ice decline has accelerated  since 1996.

The NSIDC has not released a full analysis of this year's ice melt. They note that there is still a chance that changing wind patterns or low season melt could possibly see the ice recede even further.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

NASA Creates Material That Heals Its Self

On August 27th 2015, NASA announced that it had created a material that can self heal after being punctured. The research, funded by NASA, and carried out at the University of Michigan, has produced a "Terminator style," material that may one day be used to protect spacecraft from being damaged by space debris.

The material consists of two layers of polymer with a third layer of a liquid resin called, Thiol-ene-Tryialkyborane, which is sandwiched in between them. When the material is punctured, the resin is released and mixes with the surrounding oxygen. The resin quickly hardens to form a solid plug in the damaged area.

University of Michigan researchers believe that the new material could also be used to line the inside of fuel tanks, in airplane hulls, or in just about anything that may face the risk of being depressurized due to a breach. The most notable possible application is the outer hull of the International Space Station.